E1: 20 Questions

Question 1

Q: What is the best food on a hot summer day?

A: Ice Cream, of course!

Question 2

Q: When is a normal time for you to go to sleep?

A: Nowadays its somewhere around 1-2 for me.

Question 3

Q: What is your favorite bird?

A: My favorite bird is the pigeon because they're funny lookin.

Question 4

Q: Who is your favorite Graphic Designer?

A: I don't know any Graphic Designers offhand so I don't have one.

Question 5

Q: Is there any specific type of art you like?

A: I really like pixel art, that kind that is detailed yet pixelated. Its just cool to me.

Question 6

Q: Who's your favorite character from a book, show, game, etc?

A: Having recently watched Community with my roommates, I would say the Dean is high on my list. He's just so funny.

Question 7

Q: If you had to pick a superpower what would it be and why?

A: I would pick The ability to shapeshift. That just seems so versatile I think it would be really useful.

Question 8

Q: What is your favorite Horror Movie?

A: My favorite Horror Movie currently is As Above So Below. That movie really stressed me out, and the underground setting just made it worse.

Question 9

Q: What's your favorite dessert?

A: Currently it is Banana Ice Cream from this place called Leopold's in Savannah. Best banana ice cream I've ever had!

Question 10

Q: What was your favorite thing to do in quarantine?

A: I have gone through a ton of movies with my roommates during quarantine. Very glad I had them to quarantine with!

Question 11

Q: Who is your favorite music artist/band?

A: My all time favorite is probably Queen. All their songs are just hits for me.

Question 12

Q: What is your current favorite music album to listen to?

A: I don't really have a favorite album right now but I have been listening to Blinding Lights by the weekend a lot lately.

Question 13

Q: Do you have any pets?

A: Yes! I have a black Lab named Hondo!

Question 14

Q: What is your major?

A: I am majoring in Computer Game Design with a minor in Computer Science.

Question 15

Q: What's your morning routine? Any podcasts you recommend?

A: Normally I just get up and shower then make breakfast and I;m not really an avid podcast listener so I don't have any recommendations.

Question 16

Q: Which text editor program should we be using for the first exercise?

A: I'm using Atom but I think it comes down to personal preference.

Question 17

Q: What's the weirdest dish you have ever tried?


Question 18

Q: How do you pronounce .gif(the file format)?

A: I pronouce it with a g-sound like gatorade.

Question 19

Q: Does it TRULY matter how someone pronounces .gif?

A: Not really, it just shows whether someone is an upstanding member of society or not.

Question 20

Q: Was there a 20th Question?

A: I don't think so, I myself only counted 19 from all the posts on discussion board.